Advanced Care Training offers all the latest makes and models of automatic external defibrillators and low hard to beat prices in the Baltimore / Washington market. We offer fully customized quotes on any make or model in almost any configuration you can dream up. Our AED sales include installation and activation of your defibrillator* as well as assistance with State registration paperwork.

Your purchase experience dosn't end with unpacking and installing your AED, we offer full program management with customer accessable online management. Clients can see at any time when pads are due for replacement and even use our fiscal year planner for future replacement costs. Our online prgram sends you reminders of expiration dates, and lets you track your staff or employee CPR card dates.

*Installation limited to surface mount cabinets and brackets only. Fully or semi recessed cabinets require a general contractor to install and may require modification of the wall to install.


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